Security Features

Encrypted password protection for your projects and individual files.

Secure Yet Simple

Unless you have been completely unconscious for the past few years, you have now come to learn of the term "cloud" and realize the value of being able to access your data anytime from any location. So you're now ready to take your construction company and projects to the cloud. Next, you probably took a look at some of the recommended cloud solutions. If you began to think you may need a computer science degree to use these services you are not alone. Some of these solutions are so complex that the white collar sector may figure them out, but what about the blue collar? Well, the good news is Projectfootage solved the problem by keeping it simple; just as Google did with its search engine. Provide "simple buttons" and hide the complexity in the programming.

Organized Files

Rather than build a giant data repository system organized by only file folders, PF's system organizes your cloud files first and foremost with a project page. Then we organize the projects' files within that Page.

Each Project Page contains a template: Sample Project Page click here

      1. Document file system with preset folder categories
      2. Built-in HD video player + file system
      3. Built-in photo viewer + file system
      4. Audio player + file system
      5. Notes
      6. RFI Module

Security & Privacy

PF is an SSL secured website. Furthermore, we have teamed up with 2 of the industry's top server providers to both protect your data and serve scalability. You may also protect your projects and files by assigning password protection and assigning permissions. Password protection & permissions can be applied in several areas:

      1. All Projects
      2. All Documents
      3. Specific Documents
      4. Document Categories
      5. Upload/Download Permissions

By combining cloud capability along with strategic privacy settings, we have made it extremely simple to exchange project files as well as media files. You may find Project Footage useful as a data repository, ftp tool, project data manager, progress report manager, video encoder, video streaming tool, photo sharing tool, or a portfolio builder.

For a quick sample of your profile and project pages, click the sample links to the lower right.



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Project Page

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