Monitor Progress with Video/Photo

The most effective way to SEE your jobsite progress daily.

The Problem

If you have worked in the construction industry any length of time you know that a day at the office generally means problem solving all day and cracking the whip to achieve production. At times it can seem as though you are actually a licensed daycare provider instead of licensed contractor. Let's face it, office management does not always understand the obstacles field management is facing and vice versa. For a project to turn a profit, the field and the office must stay in sync. The good news is, Projectfootage has a video/photo field to office interface which will make your life a whole lot easier.

A Visual Solution

Since most project budgets are either created or approved from the office, it only makes sense that the office regularly SEES the field progress so they can make necessary schedule and budget adjustments. PF offers a very simple solution to achieve this. Our mobile field to office interface allows anyone to shoot videos or photos with a smartphone or tablet and upload right into the project page on location.

Why it is Valuable

Each PF project page contains a built-in HD video player and photo slideshow viewer. This enables the field and the office to watch project videos and photos from any device. The current jobsite status becomes a virtual reality right on your office PC. When your "eyes". have been extended to the field, you can not only check-in on the project, but assist in solving problematic issues before they result in change orders.

Features & Benefits

  • Ability to assist the field with change orders and critical decisions
  • Creates great project documentation for liability protection
  • Creates ability to show client problematic issues
  • Shoot and upload videos or photos using smart phones or tablets
  • Control upload and download permissions with password protection
  • Captures geo-tag info and timestamps progress
  • Creates a downloadable project media file

For those who are tech curious, PF uses mp4xh.264 video encoding technology and Content Delivery Networks so your media files can be broadcast nationwide from any type of device. For more info on PF project manager tools see our RFI & Notes Manager.

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