Mobile Interface

Easy Interface allows field and office personnel to upload & download.

Field to Office Interface

The construction industry is all about projects. Whether you are a contractor, engineer, architect, lender, or client, you are equally important to the progress of a project. Swift progress is the key to the success of any project. Projects have budgets and must stay within budgets to produce profit margins. To obtain healthy margins, pertinent information (including REAL time progress) must be exchanged between the physical project location and office headquarters in an efficient and timely manner. This is mostly accomplished today by the use of email. The problem is email has limitations on file sizes and also requires downloading to view attachments. is a cloud solution for construction which bridges the gap. Our platform connects the office with the field using a simple field to office interface. The platform is designed to set up projects on individual web pages whereas all the project info is organized on one page. Uploading, viewing, and downloading can be accomplished with ease from the field or the office using any device. The difference between the PF solution and other competitors is PF was built for the construction industry from day one whereas other cloud solutions are attempting to adopt the construction industry as an additional vertical market.

If you are very involved in construction projects you know how annoying it is to have to run an updated set of plans to your jobsite foreman or superintendent. You also know how irritating it is to find out that once you arrive at a project that the progress has been exaggerated. In reverse, If you are the superintendent, you know how annoying it is for management to not understand hindrances you are facing in the field. So it only makes good sense that you adopt tools to help synchronize. When a true connection between field and office is achieved production can only go up. Because of the layout of the Project Footage project pages, you feel like the project is right in your office. This is due to the emphasis of media files that are viewable every time you log into your project.

The PF solution is available to you today. Allow field personnel to access project file updates in real time, and management to SEE (via video & photo) the REAL progress of your projects.



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