Members & Associates

Create your own Construction Network with Member & Assoc. links.

Social Networks vs Construction Networks

With the entire buzz about social networking you have probably either created or thought about creating a business page on networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Next you started realizing how much time social networking was taking up and wondering if the connections were really interested in your construction services. The fact of the matter is construction networking yields much higher ROI's when applied specific to the construction industry. This is tough to achieve on most social networks. Projectfootage now offers not only a construction cloud solution but a construction networking solution.

Project Networking

Construction is all about projects. If you are involved in any type of construction project, you generally make money as the project progresses. Resources in the industry make your career better and enhance day to day operations. So if you want to work efficiently and expand your construction network then it would make good sense to work within a platform that offers both. Bottom line, the professional commonality for you and Joe the Plumber is the project you are both working on AND upcoming potential projects.

Link Up

PF is designed so that while you are managing your construction projects, you can work on building your own construction network. We have split the networking into two categories:

  • Members - these are links to other members of your company
  • Associates - these are links to other company's members, ie. Your Associates

The best way to build new relationships is through referral. We have designed the PF profile page so your Associates and Company Members display on the page. This becomes an extremely effective way of referral because it is based on existing relationships. Example: If you are a large GC from Orange County and you are working in Sacramento, you may seek out concrete subcontractors by looking at your Paving Subcontractors PF page to see if he has trusted Concrete Associates. If you trust him, you may trust who he works with.....

For a closer look at how the Member & Associate Linking works, click on the sample Profile Page to the lower right.



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